Our Tactical Advantage
We believe with all our hearts that every verse in the Bible can be practically applied today. God has written down history and His testimony in the Bible so we can have a guide to navigate this day in age.
We have been all over the world spreading the good news of Christ’s soon second coming. What we have found out is that the tactical advantage that we have, is the 3-Angels messages of Revelation 14!
Listen in to hear some amazing testimonies!
Our Tactical Advantage
Our Tactical Advantage (Intro)
As we are going through this world’s spiritual battlefield, is there a tactical advantage that we have a Christians? Welcome to our introductory Episode! We truly believe that Christ is coming soon! That means that we have a limited amount of time to tell the world!
Please feel free to contact us at any time for ideas or if you would like to be on the show!
—Contact Us—
GRC email: gideonrescueco@gmail.com
Greg’s email: greg@gideonrescue.org
—Gideon Rescue Company—
Telegram: https://t.me/+bOExAWZJr5dhOTMx
Website: https://gideonrescue.org
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@gideonrescue